001 Has natural enemies in Pacific causing significant impacts Weeds with natural enemies in the Pacific causing variable, medium or high impacts.
002 Has natural enemies in Pacific causing minor impacts Weeds with natural enemies in the Pacific causing low or no impacts to the target weed.
003 Has natural enemies in Pacific with unknown impacts Weeds with natural enemies in the Pacific but impacts are unknown either because they have not been assessed or it's too early.
004 Has natural enemies in Pacific useful for other weeds Weeds with natural enemies deliberately introduced into the Pacific for one weed but could be utilized for another weed species.
005 Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts Weeds with natural enemies deliberately released elsewhere and cause variable, medium or high impacts in at least one other country.
006 Has natural enemies elsewhere causing minor impacts Weeds with natural enemies deliberately released elsewhere that cause no or slight impacts to their target weed in at least one country.
007 Has natural enemies elsewhere with unknown impacts Weeds with natural enemies that have been deliberately released in at least one country elsewhere but impacts are unknown either because they have not been assessed or it's too early.
008 Has natural enemies under investigation Weeds that do not have natural enemies established in the field but are under investigation.
009 Has natural enemies released but never assessed Weeds with natural enemies deliberately released that have never been confirmed as established anywhere.
010 Has natural enemies that are native to country Weeds with natural enemies that are native to the country of release but that have never had import risk assessments.
011 Has natural enemies never deliberately released Weeds with natural enemies that have never been deliberately released.
012 Has natural enemies that did not establish Weeds with natural enemies that either did not establish or were not released. i.e. no natural enemies are available.
999 Not a biocontrol target Weeds that have not been targeted for biological control.
Records 1 to 13 of 13
Weed code Description Full Description