Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Vachellia nilotica English Common Name Indian fig, mission prickly pear |
Indian fig, mission prickly pear |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands, Wallis & Futuna |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Ulex europaeus English Common Name gorse, furze |
gorse, furze |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Papua New Guinea |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Commelinaceae |
Scientific Name Tradescantia fluminensis English Common Name tradescantia, wandering Jew, Brazilian spiderwort |
tradescantia, wandering Jew, Brazilian spiderwort |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
French Polynesia, Nauru |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Polygonaceae |
Scientific Name Rumex pulcher English Common Name dock, fiddle dock |
dock, fiddle dock |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
New Caledonia |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Polygonaceae |
Scientific Name Rumex hypogaeus English Common Name emex, three cornered Jacks, doublegee, spiny emex |
emex, three cornered Jacks, doublegee, spiny emex |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
New Caledonia |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Polygonaceae |
Scientific Name Rumex crispus English Common Name dock, curled dock |
dock, curled dock |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Fiji, French Polynesia, Federated States of Micronesia, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Prosopis pallida English Common Name mesquite, prosopis, algaroba, American carob |
mesquite, prosopis, algaroba, American carob |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
French Polynesia, Guam, Kiribati, Kiribati-Gilbert Islands, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea |
Hawaii kiawe |
kiawe |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Prosopis juliflora English Common Name mesquite, Mexican thorn, prosopis, algaroba |
mesquite, Mexican thorn, prosopis, algaroba |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
French Polynesia, Papua New Guinea |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Polygonaceae |
Scientific Name Persicaria perfoliata English Common Name mile-a-minute weed |
mile-a-minute weed |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Papua New Guinea |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Cactaceae |
Scientific Name Pereskia aculeata English Common Name Barbados gooseberry, pereskia, lemon vine |
Barbados gooseberry, pereskia, lemon vine |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
French Polynesia, Palau |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Passifloraceae |
Scientific Name Passiflora tarminiana English Common Name banana poka, banana passionfruit |
banana poka, banana passionfruit |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Guam, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Paraserianthes lophantha English Common Name stink bean, brush wattle, plume acacia |
stink bean, brush wattle, plume acacia |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Cook Islands |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Cactaceae |
Scientific Name Opuntia humifusa English Common Name creeping prickly pear, spreading prickly pear |
creeping prickly pear, spreading prickly pear |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Caledonia, Niue, Palau, Samoa., Tonga |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Myrtaceae |
Scientific Name Melaleuca quinquenervia English Common Name melaleuca, broad-leaved paperbark |
melaleuca, broad-leaved paperbark |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Fiji, French Polynesia, Federated States of Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia-Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia-Yap, Guam, New Caledonia, Palau, Papua New Guinea |
New Caledonia itahou, naioulia, niaouli |
itahou, naioulia, niaouli |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Lamiaceae |
Scientific Name Marrubium vulgare English Common Name horehound, white horehound |
horehound, white horehound |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
New Caledonia |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Lygodiaceae |
Scientific Name Lygodium microphyllum English Common Name Old World climbing fern, climbing maidenhair |
Old World climbing fern, climbing maidenhair |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia-Yap, Guam, Northern Marianas, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Hypericaceae |
Scientific Name Hypericum perforatum English Common Name St John's wort, klamath weed, goatweed, San Juan herb |
St John's wort, klamath weed, goatweed, San Juan herb |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Papua New Guinea |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Hydrocharitaceae |
Scientific Name Hydrilla verticillata English Common Name hydrilla, Florida elodea |
hydrilla, Florida elodea |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Dioscoreaceae |
Scientific Name Dioscorea bulbifera English Common Name air potato |
air potato |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
American Samoa, Fiji, French Polynesia, Federated States of Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia-Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia-Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia-Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia-Yap, Guam, Marshall Islands, New Caledonia, Niue, Northern Marianas, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa., Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, Wallis & Futuna |
American Samoa soi Cook Islands oi Fiji kaile, kaile manu, kaile ndranu, kaile nganga, sarau Federated States of Micronesia ápwereka, pwereka, ellal, pereka, pureka, kehmpalahi, kehp en palahi, on balai, weisoahn, weitol, pwer, pwerh, pelai, rook, yoi Guam magnaheugo Hawaii hoi, pi'oi Marshall Islands mata Niue hoi Palau belloi Samoa soi Solomon Islands dau fasia, dau kwasi Tonga hoi Wallis and Futuna hoi, soi |
oi |
kaile, kaile manu, kaile ndranu, kaile nganga, sarau |
ápwereka, pwereka, ellal, pereka, pureka, kehmpalahi, kehp en palahi, on balai, weisoahn, weitol, pwer, pwerh, pelai, rook, yoi |
magnaheugo |
hoi, pi'oi |
mata |
hoi |
belloi |
soi |
dau fasia, dau kwasi |
hoi |
hoi, soi |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Asteraceae |
Scientific Name Delairea odorata English Common Name cape ivy, German ivy, African ivy |
cape ivy, German ivy, African ivy |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Federated States of Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia-Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia-Pohnpei |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Convolvulaceae |
Scientific Name Convolvulus arvensis English Common Name field bindweed, field morning-glory |
field bindweed, field morning-glory |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Palau |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Asteraceae |
Scientific Name Cirsium vulgare English Common Name spear thistle, bull thistle, common thistle |
spear thistle, bull thistle, common thistle |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
New Caledonia |
Hawaii pua kala |
pua kala |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Asteraceae |
Scientific Name Centaurea solstitialis English Common Name yellow starthistle |
yellow starthistle |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Papua New Guinea |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Scrophulariaceae |
Scientific Name Buddleja davidii English Common Name buddleia |
buddleia |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Fiji, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Salviniaceae |
Scientific Name Azolla filiculoides English Common Name Azolla, water fern, red water fern, fairy fern |
Azolla, water fern, red water fern, fairy fern |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Cook Islands |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Poaceae |
Scientific Name Arundo donax English Common Name giant reed |
giant reed |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Federated States of Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia-Pohnpei, Guam, Kiribati, Kiribati-Line Islands, Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Caledonia, Niue, Northern Marianas, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa., Tonga, Vanuatu, Wallis & Futuna |
American Samoa fiso pālagi, 'ofe, 'ofe teu fale Fiji ngasau ni vavalangi Samoa fiso pālagi, 'ofe, 'ofe teu fale Tonga kaho, lalahi, kaho pāpālangi |
ngasau ni vavalangi |
fiso pālagi, 'ofe, 'ofe teu fale |
kaho, lalahi, kaho pāpālangi |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Amaranthaceae |
Scientific Name Alternanthera philoxeroides English Common Name alligator weed |
alligator weed |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Papua New Guinea |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Asteraceae |
Scientific Name Ageratina adenophora English Common Name crofton weed, Mexican devil weed |
crofton weed, Mexican devil weed |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Fiji, French Polynesia, Federated States of Micronesia, Papua New Guinea |
Hawaii Maui pāmakani, pāmakani haole |
Maui pāmakani, pāmakani haole |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Cactaceae |
Scientific Name Acanthocereus tetragonus English Common Name sword pear |
sword pear |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
New Caledonia |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Acacia saligna English Common Name Port Jackson willow, golden wreath wattle, blue leaf wattle |
Port Jackson willow, golden wreath wattle, blue leaf wattle |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
French Polynesia |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Acacia pycnantha English Common Name golden wattle, broad-leaved wattle |
golden wattle, broad-leaved wattle |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Guam |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Acacia melanoxylon English Common Name Australian blackwood |
Australian blackwood |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
New Caledonia |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Acacia mearnsii English Common Name black wattle |
black wattle |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Cook Islands, Papua New Guinea |
Cook Islands ākasia |
ākasia |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Acacia decurrens English Common Name green wattle, Sydney green wattle |
green wattle, Sydney green wattle |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia, Papua New Guinea |
Biocontrol Options Biocontrol Releases Weed Local Names |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Acacia dealbata English Common Name silver wattle |
silver wattle |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
French Polynesia, New Caledonia |