Scientific Name
Schinus terebinthifolia

English Common Name
Brazilian pepper tree, christmas berry

Has natural enemies elsewhere causing minor impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Calotropis procera

English Common Name
apple of Sodom, giant milkweed, rubber bush

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Cryptostegia madagascariensis

English Common Name
Madagascar rubbervine, Indian rubber vine, purple allamanda

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Hydrocotyle ranunculoides

English Common Name
floating pennywort, floating marshpennywort

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Chromolaena odorata

English Common Name
chromolaena, Siam weed, triffid weed

Has natural enemies in Pacific causing significant impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Delairea odorata

English Common Name
cape ivy, German ivy, African ivy

Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Erigeron bonariensis

English Common Name
hairy fleabane, wavy-leaved fleabane, hairy horseweed

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Erigeron canadensis

English Common Name
Canadian fleabane, horseweed

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Erigeron sumatrensis

English Common Name
tall fleabane, broad-leaved fleabane

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Sonchus oleraceus

English Common Name
common sowthistle, annual sowthistle

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Sphagneticola trilobata

English Common Name
Bay Biscayne creeping oxeye, wedelia, Singapore daisy

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Tithonia diversifolia

English Common Name
Mexican sunflower, tree marigold

Has natural enemies elsewhere with unknown impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Dolichandra unguis-cati

English Common Name
cat's claw creeper

Has natural enemies in Pacific with unknown impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Spathodea campanulata

English Common Name
African tulip tree

Has natural enemies in Pacific with unknown impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Tecoma stans

English Common Name
yellow bells

Has natural enemies elsewhere with unknown impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Cabomba caroliniana

English Common Name
Carolina fanwort, cabomba

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Sagina procumbens

English Common Name
beads, birdseye pearlwort, procumbent pearlwort

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Convolvulus arvensis

English Common Name
field bindweed, field morning-glory

Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Kalanchoe delagoensis

English Common Name
chandelier plant, mother of millions, Christmas bells

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Cyperus aromaticus

English Common Name
navua sedge, greater kyllinga

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Dioscorea bulbifera

English Common Name
air potato

Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Jatropha gossypiifolia

English Common Name
bellyache bush, black physicnut

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Triadica sebifera

English Common Name
Chinese tallow, candleberry tree, chicken tree, Florida aspen

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Acacia auriculiformis

English Common Name
northern black wattle, earleaf acacia, earpod wattle

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Acacia dealbata

English Common Name
silver wattle

Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Falcataria moluccana

English Common Name
Moluccan albizia, kerosene plant, white albizia, peacock's plume

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Gleditsia triacanthos

English Common Name
honey locust, bean tree, common honeylocust

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Prosopis juliflora

English Common Name
mesquite, Mexican thorn, prosopis, algaroba

Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Senna obtusifolia

English Common Name
sicklepod, Chinese senna

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Senna tora

English Common Name
sickle senna, foetid/stinking cassia

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Vachellia nilotica

English Common Name
Indian fig, mission prickly pear

Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Hydrilla verticillata

English Common Name
hydrilla, Florida elodea

Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Lygodium microphyllum

English Common Name
Old World climbing fern, climbing maidenhair

Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Urena lobata

English Common Name
Caesarweed, Congo jute, bur mallow

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Clidemia hirta

English Common Name
Koster's curse, soap bush

Has natural enemies in Pacific causing significant impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Miconia calvescens

English Common Name
miconia, velvetleaf

Has natural enemies in Pacific causing significant impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Melaleuca quinquenervia

English Common Name
melaleuca, broad-leaved paperbark

Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Passiflora foetida

English Common Name
fetid/stinking passionflower, fit-weed

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Passiflora tarminiana

English Common Name
banana poka, banana passionfruit

Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Passiflora tripartita

English Common Name
banana passionfruit

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Cortaderia selloana

English Common Name
pampas grass, silver pampas grass, Uruguayan pampas grass

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Eragrostis curvula

English Common Name
African love grass, Boer love grass, weeping lovegrass

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Imperata cylindrica

English Common Name
cogon grass, imperata

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Megathyrsus maximus

English Common Name
Guinea grass, green panicgrass, buffalo grass

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Sporobolus pyramidalis

English Common Name
giant rat's tail grass, West Indies smutgrass

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Ziziphus mauritiana

English Common Name
Indian jujube, Chinese date

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Cotoneaster pannosus

English Common Name
cotoneaster, silver cotoneaster, silverleaf cotoneaster

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Pyracantha angustifolia

English Common Name
firethorn, narrowleaf firethorn, orange firethorn

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Rubus niveus

English Common Name
Ceylon raspberry, Mysore raspberry, hill raspberry

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Salix babylonica

English Common Name
weeping willow, Babylon weeping willow

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Solanum mauritianum

English Common Name
woolly nightshade, bugweed, tree tobacco

Has natural enemies elsewhere causing minor impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Solanum torvum

English Common Name
turkey berry, devil's fig

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Lantana camara

English Common Name

Has natural enemies in Pacific causing significant impacts

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Hedychium coronarium

English Common Name
white butterfly ginger lily

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Hedychium flavescens

English Common Name
yellow ginger, wild ginger

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      

Scientific Name
Hedychium gardnerianum

English Common Name
Kahili ginger, Kahila garland-lily

Has natural enemies under investigation

Scientific Name
New natural enemy(ies) under investigation

Common Name
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation

New target weed under investigation not applicable      
Records 1 to 56 of 56
Weed info sheet Weed Weed Biocontrol Status Natural Enemy Natural Enemy Biocontrol Status Impact outside Pacific on same species Priority Country Released Status