Anacardiaceae |
Scientific Name Schinus terebinthifolia English Common Name Brazilian pepper tree, christmas berry |
Brazilian pepper tree, christmas berry |
Fiji warui Hawaii wilelaiki, naniohilo |
warui |
wilelaiki, naniohilo |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing minor impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Apocynaceae |
Scientific Name Calotropis procera English Common Name apple of Sodom, giant milkweed, rubber bush |
apple of Sodom, giant milkweed, rubber bush |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Apocynaceae |
Scientific Name Cryptostegia madagascariensis English Common Name Madagascar rubbervine, Indian rubber vine, purple allamanda |
Madagascar rubbervine, Indian rubber vine, purple allamanda |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Araliaceae |
Scientific Name Hydrocotyle ranunculoides English Common Name floating pennywort, floating marshpennywort |
floating pennywort, floating marshpennywort |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Asteraceae |
Scientific Name Chromolaena odorata English Common Name chromolaena, Siam weed, triffid weed |
chromolaena, Siam weed, triffid weed |
Federated States of Micronesia floss flower, mahsrihsrihk, masigsig, masikisik, otuot, wisolmat, wisolmat en rehnwel Guam kesengesil, masigsig Palau kesengesil, ngesngesil |
floss flower, mahsrihsrihk, masigsig, masikisik, otuot, wisolmat, wisolmat en rehnwel |
kesengesil, masigsig |
kesengesil, ngesngesil |
Has natural enemies in Pacific causing significant impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Asteraceae |
Scientific Name Delairea odorata English Common Name cape ivy, German ivy, African ivy |
cape ivy, German ivy, African ivy |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Asteraceae |
Scientific Name Erigeron bonariensis English Common Name hairy fleabane, wavy-leaved fleabane, hairy horseweed |
hairy fleabane, wavy-leaved fleabane, hairy horseweed |
Hawaii lani wela |
lani wela |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Asteraceae |
Scientific Name Erigeron canadensis English Common Name Canadian fleabane, horseweed |
Canadian fleabane, horseweed |
Fiji mandramandra Hawaii lani wela |
mandramandra |
lani wela |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Asteraceae |
Scientific Name Erigeron sumatrensis English Common Name tall fleabane, broad-leaved fleabane |
tall fleabane, broad-leaved fleabane |
Fiji matakaro, tho ni papalangi, tho ni vavalangi, thovuka, tumbua, wavuwavu Tonga pakaka |
matakaro, tho ni papalangi, tho ni vavalangi, thovuka, tumbua, wavuwavu |
pakaka |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Asteraceae |
Scientific Name Sonchus oleraceus English Common Name common sowthistle, annual sowthistle |
common sowthistle, annual sowthistle |
Cook Islands pū‘ā Fiji thandavu French Polynesia retero, taru Hawaii pualele Niue puha, pupu lele Tonga longolongo‘uha |
pū‘ā |
thandavu |
retero, taru |
pualele |
puha, pupu lele |
longolongo‘uha |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Asteraceae |
Scientific Name Sphagneticola trilobata English Common Name Bay Biscayne creeping oxeye, wedelia, Singapore daisy |
Bay Biscayne creeping oxeye, wedelia, Singapore daisy |
Federated States of Micronesia rosrangrang, dihpwoangoahng suwed, ngkahu, tuhke ongohng, atiat Marshall Islands ut mõkadkad, ut telia Palau ngesil ra ngebard Tonga ‘anselmo |
rosrangrang, dihpwoangoahng suwed, ngkahu, tuhke ongohng, atiat |
ut mõkadkad, ut telia |
ngesil ra ngebard |
‘anselmo |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Asteraceae |
Scientific Name Tithonia diversifolia English Common Name Mexican sunflower, tree marigold |
Mexican sunflower, tree marigold |
Cook Islands tiare rengarenga, pua renga, kavakava Niue matalaa Tonga siola‘ā |
tiare rengarenga, pua renga, kavakava |
matalaa |
siola‘ā |
Has natural enemies elsewhere with unknown impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Bignoniaceae |
Scientific Name Dolichandra unguis-cati English Common Name cat's claw creeper |
cat's claw creeper |
Has natural enemies in Pacific with unknown impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Bignoniaceae |
Scientific Name Spathodea campanulata English Common Name African tulip tree |
African tulip tree |
American Samoa fa‘apasī, tulipe, fa‘apasī, tulipe, faapasi, faapasī, fa'apasi Cook Islands kō‘ī‘ī, mata kō‘ī‘ī, mimi, pātītī vai, patiti vai, pititi vai, tiale akapisipisi, tiare akapisipisi Fiji taga mimi Federated States of Micronesia dulip en Aprika, tuhke dulip, ramingobchey Palau orsachel kui Samoa fa‘apasī, tulipe, faapasi, faapasī, fa'apasi Tonga tiulipe |
kō‘ī‘ī, mata kō‘ī‘ī, mimi, pātītī vai, patiti vai, pititi vai, tiale akapisipisi, tiare akapisipisi |
taga mimi |
dulip en Aprika, tuhke dulip, ramingobchey |
orsachel kui |
fa‘apasī, tulipe, faapasi, faapasī, fa'apasi |
tiulipe |
Has natural enemies in Pacific with unknown impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Bignoniaceae |
Scientific Name Tecoma stans English Common Name yellow bells |
yellow bells |
Cook Islands tekoma Fiji bitu French Polynesia piti Federated States of Micronesia peeal Kiribati nei Karairai, neikarairai Tonga piti Tuvalu neikarairai |
tekoma |
bitu |
piti |
peeal |
nei Karairai, neikarairai |
piti |
neikarairai |
Has natural enemies elsewhere with unknown impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Cabombaceae |
Scientific Name Cabomba caroliniana English Common Name Carolina fanwort, cabomba |
Carolina fanwort, cabomba |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Caryophyllaceae |
Scientific Name Sagina procumbens English Common Name beads, birdseye pearlwort, procumbent pearlwort |
beads, birdseye pearlwort, procumbent pearlwort |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Convolvulaceae |
Scientific Name Convolvulus arvensis English Common Name field bindweed, field morning-glory |
field bindweed, field morning-glory |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Crassulaceae |
Scientific Name Kalanchoe delagoensis English Common Name chandelier plant, mother of millions, Christmas bells |
chandelier plant, mother of millions, Christmas bells |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Cyperaceae |
Scientific Name Cyperus aromaticus English Common Name navua sedge, greater kyllinga |
navua sedge, greater kyllinga |
Fiji tuise tele, tuise fiti Tonga pakopako |
tuise tele, tuise fiti |
pakopako |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Dioscoreaceae |
Scientific Name Dioscorea bulbifera English Common Name air potato |
air potato |
American Samoa soi Cook Islands oi Fiji kaile, kaile manu, kaile ndranu, kaile nganga, sarau Federated States of Micronesia ápwereka, pwereka, ellal, pereka, pureka, kehmpalahi, kehp en palahi, on balai, weisoahn, weitol, pwer, pwerh, pelai, rook, yoi Guam magnaheugo Hawaii hoi, pi'oi Marshall Islands mata Niue hoi Palau belloi Samoa soi Solomon Islands dau fasia, dau kwasi Tonga hoi Wallis and Futuna hoi, soi |
oi |
kaile, kaile manu, kaile ndranu, kaile nganga, sarau |
ápwereka, pwereka, ellal, pereka, pureka, kehmpalahi, kehp en palahi, on balai, weisoahn, weitol, pwer, pwerh, pelai, rook, yoi |
magnaheugo |
hoi, pi'oi |
mata |
hoi |
belloi |
soi |
dau fasia, dau kwasi |
hoi |
hoi, soi |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Euphorbiaceae |
Scientific Name Jatropha gossypiifolia English Common Name bellyache bush, black physicnut |
bellyache bush, black physicnut |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Euphorbiaceae |
Scientific Name Triadica sebifera English Common Name Chinese tallow, candleberry tree, chicken tree, Florida aspen |
Chinese tallow, candleberry tree, chicken tree, Florida aspen |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Acacia auriculiformis English Common Name northern black wattle, earleaf acacia, earpod wattle |
northern black wattle, earleaf acacia, earpod wattle |
Cook Islands ākasia Federated States of Micronesia tuhkehn pwelmwahu Papua New Guinea ngarai, unar |
ākasia |
tuhkehn pwelmwahu |
ngarai, unar |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Acacia dealbata English Common Name silver wattle |
silver wattle |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Falcataria moluccana English Common Name Moluccan albizia, kerosene plant, white albizia, peacock's plume |
Moluccan albizia, kerosene plant, white albizia, peacock's plume |
American Samoa tamaligi, tamalini, tamaligi pa'epa'e, tamaligi palagi Cook Islands ‘ārapitia Federated States of Micronesia tuhke karisihn, tuhke kerosin Palau ukall ra ngebard Samoa tamaligi, tamalini, tamaligi pa'epa'e, tamaligi palagi Solomon Islands fai, folo fai Wallis and Futuna falcata |
‘ārapitia |
tuhke karisihn, tuhke kerosin |
ukall ra ngebard |
tamaligi, tamalini, tamaligi pa'epa'e, tamaligi palagi |
fai, folo fai |
falcata |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Gleditsia triacanthos English Common Name honey locust, bean tree, common honeylocust |
honey locust, bean tree, common honeylocust |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Prosopis juliflora English Common Name mesquite, Mexican thorn, prosopis, algaroba |
mesquite, Mexican thorn, prosopis, algaroba |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Senna obtusifolia English Common Name sicklepod, Chinese senna |
sicklepod, Chinese senna |
Cook Islands pī ‘aungakino |
pī ‘aungakino |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Senna tora English Common Name sickle senna, foetid/stinking cassia |
sickle senna, foetid/stinking cassia |
American Samoa vao pīnati, vao pinati Fiji kaumoce, kaumothe, tarota, pini, pin Guam amot-tumaga carabao, mumutong palaéan, mumutun admelon, mumutun palaoan Samoa vao pīnati, vao pinati, vao sei Tonga pipi ppālangi, te‘ekosi, te‘epulu, tega fefeka, tengafefeka |
kaumoce, kaumothe, tarota, pini, pin |
amot-tumaga carabao, mumutong palaéan, mumutun admelon, mumutun palaoan |
vao pīnati, vao pinati, vao sei |
pipi ppālangi, te‘ekosi, te‘epulu, tega fefeka, tengafefeka |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Fabaceae |
Scientific Name Vachellia nilotica English Common Name Indian fig, mission prickly pear |
Indian fig, mission prickly pear |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Hydrocharitaceae |
Scientific Name Hydrilla verticillata English Common Name hydrilla, Florida elodea |
hydrilla, Florida elodea |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Lygodiaceae |
Scientific Name Lygodium microphyllum English Common Name Old World climbing fern, climbing maidenhair |
Old World climbing fern, climbing maidenhair |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Malvaceae |
Scientific Name Urena lobata English Common Name Caesarweed, Congo jute, bur mallow |
Caesarweed, Congo jute, bur mallow |
American Samoa manutofu, maoutofu, mautofu Cook Islands piripiri, purūmu, vavai tara tītā Fiji katiqani viti, nggatima, nggatima ni Viti, ngguatema, qatima, qatima ni viti, joan ne pija French Polynesia pipiri, fuduah, nehu, pou-éau, pu‘unehu, puehu, puepu, punehu haoe, rehu Federated States of Micronesia nognuk, ocher, sacawer, koaropw, korop, koropw, karukur Guam dádangse, dadangsi, dadangsi apaka, dadangsi machingat Niue mosipo, motipo Palau chosuched e kui, osuched a rechui Samoa manutofu, maoutofu, mautofu Tonga mo‘osipo, mo‘osipo Tonga |
piripiri, purūmu, vavai tara tītā |
katiqani viti, nggatima, nggatima ni Viti, ngguatema, qatima, qatima ni viti, joan ne pija |
pipiri, fuduah, nehu, pou-éau, pu‘unehu, puehu, puepu, punehu haoe, rehu |
nognuk, ocher, sacawer, koaropw, korop, koropw, karukur |
dádangse, dadangsi, dadangsi apaka, dadangsi machingat |
mosipo, motipo |
chosuched e kui, osuched a rechui |
manutofu, maoutofu, mautofu |
mo‘osipo, mo‘osipo Tonga |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Melastomataceae |
Scientific Name Clidemia hirta English Common Name Koster's curse, soap bush |
Koster's curse, soap bush |
American Samoa la'au lau mamoe Fiji aurioi in siga, bona na bulamakau, kaurasinga, kauresinga, mara na bulumakau, mbona na mbulamakau, ndraunisinga, roinisinga, vuti Federated States of Micronesia riahpen rot Palau kúi Samoa la'au lau mamoe |
aurioi in siga, bona na bulamakau, kaurasinga, kauresinga, mara na bulumakau, mbona na mbulamakau, ndraunisinga, roinisinga, vuti |
riahpen rot |
kúi |
la'au lau mamoe |
Has natural enemies in Pacific causing significant impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Melastomataceae |
Scientific Name Miconia calvescens English Common Name miconia, velvetleaf |
miconia, velvetleaf |
French Polynesia pa'a honu |
pa'a honu |
Has natural enemies in Pacific causing significant impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Myrtaceae |
Scientific Name Melaleuca quinquenervia English Common Name melaleuca, broad-leaved paperbark |
melaleuca, broad-leaved paperbark |
New Caledonia itahou, naioulia, niaouli |
itahou, naioulia, niaouli |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Passifloraceae |
Scientific Name Passiflora foetida English Common Name fetid/stinking passionflower, fit-weed |
fetid/stinking passionflower, fit-weed |
American Samoa pāsio vao Fiji poniu, qaranidila, vaini, loliloli ni kalavo, sou Federated States of Micronesia bombom, pompom, pwompwomw, pwomwpwomp, tumatis, tutumis Guam kinahulo atadeo Hawaii pohāpohā, lani wai Kiribati te biku Nauru oatamo, watamo Niue vine vao Northern Marianas dulce, kinahulo‘ atdao Palau kudamono Samoa pāsio vao, tapatapao Solomon Islands kakalifaka, kwalo kakali Tonga vaine ‘ae kumā, vaine ‘initia |
poniu, qaranidila, vaini, loliloli ni kalavo, sou |
bombom, pompom, pwompwomw, pwomwpwomp, tumatis, tutumis |
kinahulo atadeo |
pohāpohā, lani wai |
te biku |
oatamo, watamo |
vine vao |
dulce, kinahulo‘ atdao |
kudamono |
pāsio vao, tapatapao |
kakalifaka, kwalo kakali |
vaine ‘ae kumā, vaine ‘initia |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Passifloraceae |
Scientific Name Passiflora tarminiana English Common Name banana poka, banana passionfruit |
banana poka, banana passionfruit |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing significant impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Passifloraceae |
Scientific Name Passiflora tripartita English Common Name banana passionfruit |
banana passionfruit |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Poaceae |
Scientific Name Cortaderia selloana English Common Name pampas grass, silver pampas grass, Uruguayan pampas grass |
pampas grass, silver pampas grass, Uruguayan pampas grass |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Poaceae |
Scientific Name Eragrostis curvula English Common Name African love grass, Boer love grass, weeping lovegrass |
African love grass, Boer love grass, weeping lovegrass |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Poaceae |
Scientific Name Imperata cylindrica English Common Name cogon grass, imperata |
cogon grass, imperata |
Fiji gi, kunai, lalang, ngi Palau kasoring Papua New Guinea auturra, kawva, kunai grass, kuru-kuru Solomon Islands fa'i lai |
gi, kunai, lalang, ngi |
kasoring |
auturra, kawva, kunai grass, kuru-kuru |
fa'i lai |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Poaceae |
Scientific Name Megathyrsus maximus English Common Name Guinea grass, green panicgrass, buffalo grass |
Guinea grass, green panicgrass, buffalo grass |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Poaceae |
Scientific Name Sporobolus pyramidalis English Common Name giant rat's tail grass, West Indies smutgrass |
giant rat's tail grass, West Indies smutgrass |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Rhamnaceae |
Scientific Name Ziziphus mauritiana English Common Name Indian jujube, Chinese date |
Indian jujube, Chinese date |
Fiji baer, baher, bahir Guam manzanas, manzanita, jujube |
baer, baher, bahir |
manzanas, manzanita, jujube |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Rosaceae |
Scientific Name Cotoneaster pannosus English Common Name cotoneaster, silver cotoneaster, silverleaf cotoneaster |
cotoneaster, silver cotoneaster, silverleaf cotoneaster |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Rosaceae |
Scientific Name Pyracantha angustifolia English Common Name firethorn, narrowleaf firethorn, orange firethorn |
firethorn, narrowleaf firethorn, orange firethorn |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Rosaceae |
Scientific Name Rubus niveus English Common Name Ceylon raspberry, Mysore raspberry, hill raspberry |
Ceylon raspberry, Mysore raspberry, hill raspberry |
Papua New Guinea mbolinmomoniyl |
mbolinmomoniyl |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Salicaceae |
Scientific Name Salix babylonica English Common Name weeping willow, Babylon weeping willow |
weeping willow, Babylon weeping willow |
Tonga hakoloa‘ani, uilow |
hakoloa‘ani, uilow |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Solanaceae |
Scientific Name Solanum mauritianum English Common Name woolly nightshade, bugweed, tree tobacco |
woolly nightshade, bugweed, tree tobacco |
Cook Islands ‘ava‘ava, rau ‘ava‘ava Hawaii pua nānā honua Tonga pula, to‘uloku |
‘ava‘ava, rau ‘ava‘ava |
pua nānā honua |
pula, to‘uloku |
Has natural enemies elsewhere causing minor impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Solanaceae |
Scientific Name Solanum torvum English Common Name turkey berry, devil's fig |
turkey berry, devil's fig |
Fiji kaisurisuri, kausoni, kauvotovotua, katai, soni Federated States of Micronesia rawelnagafi Tonga tisaipale Vanuatu piko |
kaisurisuri, kausoni, kauvotovotua, katai, soni |
rawelnagafi |
tisaipale |
piko |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Verbenaceae |
Scientific Name Lantana camara English Common Name lantana |
lantana |
American Samoa lõtana Cook Islands rānatāna, tātarāmoa, tātarāmoa papa‘ā, tūtae ‘oro‘enua Fiji kauboica, kaumboitha, lanitana, mbona ra mbulumakau, mbonambulumakau, tokalau, waiwai French Polynesia tara koa, tatara moa Federated States of Micronesia ros fonacni, landana, randana, rantana, tuhke suwed, tukasuweth Hawaii la‘au kalakala, lakana, lanakana, mikinolia hihiu, mikinolia hohono, mikinolia kukū Kiribati te kaibuaka Marshall Islands lantõna Niue migiroa Samoa lõtana Tonga talatala, talamoa Tuvalu kai puaka, kaipuaka |
rānatāna, tātarāmoa, tātarāmoa papa‘ā, tūtae ‘oro‘enua |
kauboica, kaumboitha, lanitana, mbona ra mbulumakau, mbonambulumakau, tokalau, waiwai |
tara koa, tatara moa |
ros fonacni, landana, randana, rantana, tuhke suwed, tukasuweth |
la‘au kalakala, lakana, lanakana, mikinolia hihiu, mikinolia hohono, mikinolia kukū |
te kaibuaka |
lantõna |
migiroa |
lõtana |
talatala, talamoa |
kai puaka, kaipuaka |
Has natural enemies in Pacific causing significant impacts |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Zingiberaceae |
Scientific Name Hedychium coronarium English Common Name white butterfly ginger lily |
white butterfly ginger lily |
American Samoa teuila, teuila pa'epa'e Cook Islands kaopui teatea, kōpī, re'a, re‘a teatea, kōpī teatea Fiji ndrove, cevuga vula, dalasika, thevunga, kapui fisi, kapui perperi Federated States of Micronesia chabubu, chawiwi, sifif nisepan, sinter pwetepwet, sinsea, sinsér, sinter, sinter oangoahng, sinter pwetepwet, sintia, tolon, trewiwi, tunun, zinzer Hawaii ‘awapuhi ke‘oke‘o Samoa teuila, teuila pa'epa'e Tonga ndrove, cevuga vula, dalasika, teuila, thevunga |
kaopui teatea, kōpī, re'a, re‘a teatea, kōpī teatea |
ndrove, cevuga vula, dalasika, thevunga, kapui fisi, kapui perperi |
chabubu, chawiwi, sifif nisepan, sinter pwetepwet, sinsea, sinsér, sinter, sinter oangoahng, sinter pwetepwet, sintia, tolon, trewiwi, tunun, zinzer |
‘awapuhi ke‘oke‘o |
teuila, teuila pa'epa'e |
ndrove, cevuga vula, dalasika, teuila, thevunga |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Zingiberaceae |
Scientific Name Hedychium flavescens English Common Name yellow ginger, wild ginger |
yellow ginger, wild ginger |
American Samoa teuila, teuila pa'epa'e Cook Islands kaopui rengarenga, kōpī rengarenga, re'a, re‘a rengarenga French Polynesia opuhi rea rea Federated States of Micronesia sinter Hawaii ‘awapuhi melemele Niue kamapui fiti tea, keuila Samoa teuila, teuila pa'epa'e |
kaopui rengarenga, kōpī rengarenga, re'a, re‘a rengarenga |
opuhi rea rea |
sinter |
‘awapuhi melemele |
kamapui fiti tea, keuila |
teuila, teuila pa'epa'e |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |
Zingiberaceae |
Scientific Name Hedychium gardnerianum English Common Name Kahili ginger, Kahila garland-lily |
Kahili ginger, Kahila garland-lily |
Cook Islands kōpī Fiji cevuga dromodromo Federated States of Micronesia sinter weitahta Hawaii ‘awapuhi kahili, kāhili |
kōpī |
cevuga dromodromo |
sinter weitahta |
‘awapuhi kahili, kāhili |
Has natural enemies under investigation |
Scientific Name New natural enemy(ies) under investigation Common Name new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
new natural enemy(ies) under investigation |
New target weed under investigation |
not applicable |