Just a few typos/formatting things that I have come across in the first 30-40 entries of the Weeds List. I suspect that a linked table needs to be double checked somewhere. Also I wanted to test out the Contact Us page!
Under the following weeds:
Salix babylonica - French Polynes ia (space in the middle of the word)
Passiflora tripartita - Papua New Guin ea (space in the middle of the word)
Hydrocotyle ranunculoides and Amaranthus spinosus - Kiribati-L ine Islands (space in the middle of the word)
Any weed species that Cook Islands is not the first country listed - Cook Islands (2 spaces between Cook and Island)
Saoma. - Saoma has a "full stop" at the end of the word every time its mentioned in "found in" column.